The Restart Grant is a one-off payment to support businesses in England in re-opening safely following lockdown. The scheme is very relevant to our industry, with a tier aimed specifically at ‘non-essential’ retail. If you haven’t yet applied, we would encourage you to do so.
Eligibility depends on your business being rate-paying, trading on 1st April 2021 and based in England, and award of the grant depends on the level of support your business has already received. More detailed information can be viewed at
- Your business rates account number
- General business information like address etc.
- The date your stores closed
- A print-off of your wages list (if more than 10 employees).
- VAT registration number (if applicable)
- Company number (if applicable)
- The billing authority property reference number
- Your most recent bank statement which clearly shows the business address, sort code and account number