You may have noticed that the MIA has a new website. One of its exciting new features is the ability to lock-out content, so that all of the good stuff is available only to our members.
What this means is that very shortly all members will need to create a profile, and be logged into the website to ensure access to everything.
As such we thought it would be a good idea to make ourselves available on Friday morning for those of you who would like a walk-through of the process. During this session, we will be able to allow members early access to the registration process*.
Instead of the normal drop-in, we are going to open a Zoom call at 9:30am and run through until midday. If you wish to pop along, just click here between those times.
As always this will be a very informal session.
*Members will otherwise begin to receive their log-in invitations week commencing 28th March.