How Tigers can change your social media strategy

In the world of marketing, it can sometimes feel as though you’re sending your company updates into an empty void. You have exciting updates to share but you’re just not sure how to get the message across in an engaging way.

I decided it would be useful to share a very exciting and free social media strategy checklist from our friend Hel Reynolds at Comms Creatives, all based around Tigers(?!)

To give you some context as to why I am sharing this with you, I’ve been managing the social media and communications for the MIA since early 2021 and more recently have taken over the social media for Warwick Music Group, (the company behind pBone and pTrumpet). I learned about Comms Creatives in my first few weeks with the MIA, sharing the opportunity to learn from the training sessions Hel Reynolds was delivering to our members under the miacademy, and I took a lot away from them.

This social media strategy checklist is something I have used as a bible of sorts since joining Warwick Music Group and I have found it to be immensely helpful alongside the video training I had used from Comms Creatives. I found this approach to reap great rewards, seeing engagement metrics shoot up in my first few weeks of posting.

Hel’s methods support social media creatives from lone rangers to large marketing teams. The advice encourages experimentation, allowing yourself to fail, and creating a comms strategy that really works for your business. So what do Tigers have to do with this? I’ll explain…

TIGERS stands for:

  • Target
  • Investigate
  • Generate
  • Engage
  • Review
  • Summary

This is a list of simple steps that set out all that needs to be considered in your communications output, and following this simple plan allows your social media to be fun, engaging, and effective. Hel explains this more in her free strategy checklist which you can find here.

The social media approach here is different from what you might learn via other training; the aim is to flip the idea you might have for marketing your products on its head and work out how to create a community amongst your online followers.

If you are an MIA Member and would like to take advantage of our on-demand social media training from Comms Creatives, you can drop me an email here. To find the free social media strategy training, click here, and to join Hel’s online community of fellow social media wizzes, click here.

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