Let’s talk Big Picture stuff…

Hopefully, you will have noticed that we have a new website. 

And even if you haven’t you may have received an email (assuming you belong to a member company) inviting you to create a personalised login profile. 

If any of this is ringing any bells, then you might also have been wondering what is going on with the MIA all of a sudden. And you would be right to ask because behind the scenes we have been putting together a new strategy for how we are going to share information with you in the future.

Member-Only Content

One of the features of the new site is that we choose what information is available to everybody, and what is only visible to members. In the next couple of weeks, we will flick the switch on this, which means some information will look like this if you are not logged-in, or indeed aren’t an MIA member.

How do we decide on what is Member-only?

As with all of these things it’s a bit of a rule of thumb, rather than a structure that is set in stone. But generally speaking, organic content such as blogs, interviews & case studies will be located behind the paywall along with industry data & reports, training content, and many of our networking events.

One of the features of Membership is that we feature press releases for Members as well as share information around current vacancies. These will continue to be openly available to all, as will general news stories and some survey requests..

What happens to the Daily Newsletter?

As we move forward we are going to start publishing content to the website more frequently, and as such, we won’t be sending out as many email updates. So instead of a daily comms, we will start to transition toward a couple of updates a week that act as a digest of what has been going on over the last few days. We are conscious that we don’t want to unnecessarily clog up inboxes, and feel that the current flow of information is perhaps a little too intense.

We will continue to signpost individual articles via platforms like Twitter & Linked-In for those that like more regular engagement.

What now?

Firstly, if you work for a member company you need to get on with setting up a profile on the website. Check to see if you have received an email from us and just follow the simple instructions to get started. 

If you haven’t received anything but think you should have, then please get in touch and we can get you up & running in no time.

We are planning on locking the content out in the next week or so, which means you probably need to think about it over the next few days.

For those of you that aren’t members of the Trade Association, we would love to discuss what we do with you in a little more detail, and why we have made this decision about our content. Feel free to contact me, or any of the team to chat this through.


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