Taking questions on Hybrid-Working

For the drop-in this week we are going to discuss hybrid working arrangements. It is fair to assume that in a lot of cases people’s day-to-day working regimes are not quite back to what they were pre-pandemic. There is lots of discussion around working from home as a permanent change, for a reasonable percentage of the week.

This week we will have Nicky Gleadow of The HR Point on hand to discuss how best to approach this subject with your teams, and what factors you need to consider if you are contemplating changes in your terms of employment.

To help structure the session we would really like to get a cross-section of questions ahead of the event, please contact Matt with your questions. Please note this is an MIA member-only session.

These sessions are really informal and open to any business operating across the MI sector.

If you’d like to come along, you can register to attend this week’s session here. 

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