We are pleased to be able to offer the following events to members as part of our partnership agreement with the British Retail Consortium.
Thursday 19th May at 2pm: Retail Innovation Reframed
“Join us for a look at technical innovations currently being adopted by leading retailers. The webinar will examine case studies of successful implementation of digital solutions to improve physical aspects of retail businesses.” – details/registration here
Thursday 26th May at 2pm: Evolution of Shoppers and Payments
“Following the easing of the pandemic, consumers are increasingly digitally savvy and comfortable browsing online, but still want to enjoy the experience of physical retail. We’ll look at the impact the pandemic has had on consumer behaviour, and how this has impacted their payment choices.” – details/registration here
Tuesday 28th June at 1:30pm: Responsible Lending And Affordability – Is It Time To Rethink Your Strategy?
“Retailers need to ensure that they are offering their customers more affordable payment options, greater choice, and flexibility. But how do we as responsible retailers make sure that customers can afford their purchases and create a positive, sustainable relationship?” – details/registration here