Are you ready for an MI Trade Fair? ?

One of the 3 pillars of the MIA is that we endeavour, to bring the industry closer together.

Following on from the success of our networking forum in Birmingham last month, we have been having a number of internal conversations about future events. One of the ideas we keep coming back to is whether there is any appetite for a UK-based Trade Fair.

Before we go any further, the phrase Trade Fair may not be the best way for describing what we were thinking of. We have an idea of a very informal, kind of low-key, gathering that would allow as many retailers and manufacturers as possible to say hello and remind each other of what they do best.

We would probably start with an event in the middle of the country, though it may also be possible to move it around on an annual basis. We would also want to keep it very very cost-effective, so there would be no stand build or excessive marketing budget required – it would be all about getting as many UK MI folks into a room as possible.

We would be interested in canvassing opinions, so if you want to drop in your two penneth please join us for a drop-in on this topic on Friday.

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