Kevin Bent

Kevin has been in the ProAudio industry for over 31 years, and has experience in both retail and distribution. Kevin worked at Digital Village for over 8 years, he started off as a member of the sales team and eventually managing his own store. He has wide experience in ProAudio and MI distribution and has successfully introduced several high-end brands to the marketplace. The most well-known being ADAM Audio which he represented for over 23 years made it one of the most successful monitor brands in the UK.

Within this time, he has developed a passion for education and has managed a Global Academic Program which includes the mentoring of students worldwide and now he runs his own Sales and Marketing Agency, ZEAL Audio, which he established in late 2023.

Kevin is enthusiastic about supporting small businesses, music educational advancement, and equal opportunities with the industry. In his spare time, he likes to produce and listen to music which has always been his passion.