Anthony Short

Ant is the link between the Board of the MIA and the Executive Team. His role is to translate the strategic plan of the association into day to day activity & content.

Ant has been in or around the music industry twenty odd years, firstly on the retail side with Academy of Sound and then Sound Control, and then as Sales Director for Shure Microphones. He has been involved with the MIA for about 7 years, firstly as a member of the Board and then as the Executive Director (part-time) for just over a year.

As you would expect he is passionate about the relationship between retail & distribution and what the future is going to look like as far as the experience of the consumer is concerned. He loves a good debate on that one.

During the rest of the working week he runs a podcast business called ashortstories helping individuals and businesses share their stories, including the 9-42 podcast with Guitar Show owner Jason Hunt and The Corona Diaries with Steve Hogarth of Marillion. Outside of that he coaches an U9s football team, is a lifelong Sheffield United fan & would really love a bit more time to read.

Ant is always up for a chat, and would be delighted to hear from you. You can reach out to him here