This is a really big topic for us at the moment, and it will remain so throughout 2024.
Many of our members are already right there with us on this journey,
If you wish to be involved, the window to influence the nature of the supplier framework or prepare to apply is very very narrow indeed. Therefore, we want to give you every opportunity to be part of this while there is still time.
So, let’s break it down and provide a quick and readable overview of what we mean when we talk about The Supplier Framework. Please note: all of the following applies to MI manufacturers, brands, suppliers and retailers.
Q: Where is the £25m coming from, what’s it for, and who will be spending it?
As part of the National Plan for Music Education (NPME), the Department for Education announced £25m of capital funding for musical instruments, equipment, and technology specifically for music-making purposes to benefit children and young people. The intention of this fund is to increase the volume, range, and accessibility of instruments, equipment, and technology available to children and young people, including those with special educational needs or disabilities, and to support Music Hubs in delivering against the aims expressed for them in the NPME.
Capital funding will be allocated to Music Hub Lead Organisations (HLOs) via a capital grant distributed by Arts Council England, which can be spent over two academic years, from September 2024 to August 2026.
Q: How do I get access to the £25m and supply my products as part of the procurement process?
That’s where the Supplier Framework comes in. The Framework will be divided into different lots to identify the various types of instruments, equipment, and technology, including adapted/adaptive instruments, that can be purchased using the capital grant. These lots will be confirmed in due course, and if you engage now – you have the chance to feedback on these.
The Department’s intention is for the use of the Framework to be mandatory when purchasing instruments, equipment, and technology using the capital grant funding. Therefore, the Department wants to ensure that the Framework includes a wide range of suppliers from across the country to enable Hub Lead Organisations to make purchases as required, and in response to the needs of children and young people, schools, and families. The Department encourages SMEs to engage with this initiative.
Q: If I don’t engage now, will I still be able to supply to Music Hubs?
We’ve been directly informed by the Department for Education that unless your business is on the list of approved suppliers, that £25m Government investment money will not be able to be spent with you. So, companies that don’t go through this process now will not be able to bid on or win contracts and supply to education.