Securing the Future

Securing the Future

MIA is into the next phase for growing our members’ impact in the music education sector:

We know that many members are already engaging with hub lead organisations and the raft of partners that work with children and young people in their local authority.

We know there are a lot of great ideas out there, great ways of working with our colleagues.  We want to share these and help to adopt and adapt them for each member.

So we need your help…

I led a multimedia event online back in November and was excited to see how the combination of recorded input from music education professionals prompted discussion.  It was great to see so many of you getting involved, and it felt like a very positive start to the MIA’s renewed efforts to bring the MI industry and music education closer together for the benefit of everyone.

Music education is an essential part of the 360-degree environment in which our industry exists; it is the lifeblood without which our industry wouldn’t exist, and it supplies the musicians of the future, who are, and will continue to be, our customers.

Never has there been a more crucial time for us to give this topic the attention it deserves, with music under increasing threat in many schools and the rising costs of living potentially squeezing family budgets to the point where out-of-school and adult learning activities have to be reduced or even brought to a halt.

It seems pertinent that we should build on the positivity of the online event in November by running a regular series of events focused on music education. Our aim is to share potential benefits for your business and to suggest ways to help everyone  benefit from access to music– a central tenet of the MIA.  We look to your input to ensure these events fit your needs and that any action we take as a trade body is representative of what the membership seeks.

We will offer a series of fortnightly sessions with a small number of attendees, each focusing on a specific area of interest – you let us know what you want to know more about and we will invite the right people to address this.  Initially we will kickstart this with a more generic ’dispelling the myths’ session, just in case you are not sure what you don’t know!

We’re calling these sessions ‘Music Ed Mondays’ and will begin from

  • Monday 31st January
  • Monday 14th February

Email Matt to express your interest and to let us know about anything you would like to discuss on music education, and we’ll build the events around your interests.

Time of day is often a barrier so we will be researching what works best for you.

The larger online events, similar to last November, will run each half-term. The next one is planned for week beginning 14th March. Look out for details nearer the time.

Let us know what you want your next step to be – and if you are not sure, contact us to have a chat about it!

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